Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Desserts Boum!

Cocktails are so yesterday declares
that style maitresse Harpers Bazaar this month
because it seems the ‘fashion crowd now head
to one of London’s chic dessert bars for a rendezvous.’
Could it be that one of their researchers popped into
the London Silver Vaults off Midtown’s Chancery Lane
and saw the Just Desserts exhibition of silver that no
self respecting dessert hostess could ignore. So when
you’ve sampled the English liqueurs and ice-cream
at the Waldorf Astoria or been colour blocked by
Ladurees macaroons in their new salon in Covent Garden, you
can try your hand at dessert parties at home. Just don’t forget
a dash of silver. And by the way, according to that uber sylist,
Wallpaper magazine, macaroons are, je regrette, a little passé,
it’s now the turn of the cream puff or chou à la crème. First stop
café Popelini, rue Debelleyrne in Paris, of course.
Just Desserts selling exhibiton June to end September 2011. Catalogue